How To Get Rid Of Dead Animal Smell Under Your Deck [Detailed Guide] (2024)


Here's how to get rid of dead animal smell under your deck in simple step. Are you experiencing an unpleasant odor emanating from beneath your deck?

Does it smell like something died under there? Well, that's because something probably did.

Don't worry, though; you don't have to suffer through the stench any longer.

In this video, we'll show you how to get rid of dead animal smell under your deck and reclaim your outdoor space from the clutches of decomposition.

So, grab your gloves, put on your brave face, and let's get to work!

Things you need...
Gloves –
Mask –
Tongs –
Shovel –
Saw –
Vacuum cleaner –
Broom –
Plastic bags (heavy-duty or contractor bags) –
Enzyme-based cleaner –
Odor neutralizer or deodorizer –
Dead animal detector (optional) –
Baking Soda –
Activated charcoal –
Odor-absorbing cat litter –

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Now that you have all your tools and materials ready, let's get rid of that awful smell...
Locate the source of the smell
Start by identifying the area where the smell is strongest.
This is often the area closest to where the animal has died or where the odor is seeping out.

To find the source, look for any signs of animal activity around your deck.

You may see holes or tunnels around the perimeter of your deck or find animal droppings nearby.

These signs can help you pinpoint the area where the animal is located.

Once you have a general idea of where the smell is coming from, you can start to look for more specific signs.

For example, you may notice an area where the ground has been disturbed or a section of your deck that is sagging or sinking.

These signs can help you zero in on the exact location of the dead animal.

If you're having trouble locating the source of the smell, consider using a dead animal detector.

These devices emit a special gas that can help you pinpoint the exact location of the animal.
Remove the dead animal
Before opening your deck, you need to determine the entry point where you can access the area underneath.

This may involve removing a section of the deck board or cutting a hole in the deck using a jigsaw or reciprocating saw.

Once you have determined the entry point, clear the area around it by removing any furniture, plants, or other items that may be in the way.

Wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria or viruses that may be present in the carcass.

Avoiding direct contact with the dead animal is important as it can be harmful to your health.

Cut a hole in the deck board or remove a section of the board to gain access to the area underneath.

Be careful not to damage the structural integrity of the deck during this process.

Next, locate the dead animal and carefully remove it from under your deck using a pair of tongs or a shovel.

Make sure that you do not break or puncture the animal's body during the removal process.

Doing so can release more odor and bacteria into the surrounding area.

Once you have removed the dead animal, place it in a plastic bag and seal it tightly.

It's important to double-bag the carcass to ensure that there is no leakage.

If you do not have access to plastic bags, you can use a heavy-duty trash bag or a contractor bag.

After the carcass has been bagged, dispose of it properly.

You can either place the bag in a trash bin or bury it in a hole that is at least three feet deep.

This will help prevent the odor from spreading and attracting other animals to the area.

Note that some local ordinances may require you to dispose of the carcass in a specific manner.

Before disposing of the bagged carcass, check with your local government to see if there are any specific guidelines you need to follow.
Clean the area
Use a broom or dustpan to sweep away any remaining debris or dirt in the area where the dead animal was located.

Choose a cleaner that is specifically designed for removing animal odors and bacteria.

We recommend an enzyme-based cleaner, which can be effective in breaking down the proteins causing the smell.

Apply the cleaner generously to the affected area, making sure to cover all affected surfaces.

Allow the cleaner to sit on the affected area for at least 10 to 15 minutes or the manufacturer’s recommended time..

This will give the cleaner time to penetrate and break down any remaining bacteria or odor.

Use a scrub brush or sponge to scrub the affected area thoroughly.

Pay special attention to any areas where the odor is strongest.


Are you experiencing an unpleasant odor emanating from beneath your dick? Does it smell like something died under there? Well, that's because something probably did don't worry, though you don't have to suffer through the stench any longer in this video we'll show you how to get rid of dead animal smell under your deck and reclaim your outdoor space from the clutches of decomposition.

So grab your gloves, put on your Brave face and let's get to work.

But first one of the tools and materials you'll need to complete this task for the full list and where to get them check the description and pin comment below now that you have all your tools and materials, ready, let's, get rid of that.

Awful smell locate the source of the smell start by identifying the area where the smell is strongest.

This is often the area closest to where the animal has died, or where the odor is seeping out to find the source look for any signs of animal activity around your dick.

You may see holes or tunnels around the perimeter of your deck or find animal droppings nearby.

These signs can help you pinpoint the area where the animal is located.

Once you have a general idea of where the smell is coming from.

You can start to look for more specific signs.

For example, you may notice an area where the ground has been Disturbed or a section of your dick that is sagging or sinking.

These signs can help you zero in on the exact location of the dead animal.

If you're having trouble locating, the source of the smell consider using a dead animal detector.

These devices emit a special gas that can help you pinpoint the exact location of the animal, remove the dead animal before opening your dick.

You need to determine the entry point where, you can access the area underneath this may involve removing a section of the deck board or cutting a hole in the deck using a jigsaw or reciprocating saw once you have determined the entry point clear the area around it by removing any furniture plants or other items that may be in the way wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from any harmful bacteria or viruses that may be present in the carcass, avoiding direct contact with the dead animal is important as it can be harmful to your health cut a hole in the deck board, or remove a section of the board to gain access to the area underneath be careful, not to damage the structural Integrity of the deck during this process, next locate the dead animal and carefully, remove it from under your deck using a pair of tongs or shovel make sure that you do not break or puncture, the animal's body during the removal process doing so can release more odor and bacteria into the surrounding area.

Once you have removed the dead animal place.

It in a plastic bag and seal, it tightly it's important to double bag, the carcass to ensure that there is no leakage.

If you do not have access to plastic bags, you can use the heavy duty, trash bag or a contractor bag after the carcass has been bagged dispose of it properly.

You can either place the bag in a trash bin or bury it in a hole that is at least three feet deep.

This will help prevent the odor from spreading and attracting other animals to the area note that some local ordinances may require you to dispose of the carcass in a specific manner before disposing of the bad carcass, check with your local government to see if there are any specific guidelines, you need to follow clean the area use a broom or dustpan to sweep away any remaining debris or dirt in the area where the dead animal was located, choose a cleaner that is specifically designed for removing animal odors and bacteria.

We recommend an enzyme-based cleaner, which can be effective in breaking down the proteins causing the smell apply the cleaner generously to the affected area, making sure to cover all affected surfaces, allow the cleaner to sit on the affected area for at least 10 to 15 minutes or the manufacturer's recommended time.

This will give the cleaning time to penetrate and break down any remaining bacteria or odor use a scrub brush for sponge to scrub, the affected area, thoroughly pay special attention to any areas where the odor is strongest, be sure to clean not just the surface, but any cracks or crevices where bacteria or odor might have spread to once you have scrubbed the area thoroughly, rinse it with water to remove any remaining cleaner and bacteria.

Some cleaners may be harmful to your dick or other surfaces, therefore, be sure to read the instructions carefully and test the cleaner on a small inconspicuous area before using it on the entire affected area, deodorize.

The area purchase, an odor neutralizer or deodorizer that is specifically designed for removing animal odors read the instructions on the product carefully before using it.

Some deodorizers may require you to mix them with water.

While others may be in the form of a spray or granules apply the deodorizer generously on the affected area.

This may involve spraying the product directly on the area sprinkling it on as a powder or scattering it as granules be sure to cover all surfaces and pay special attention to any areas where the odor is strongest, allow the deodorizer to sit on the affected area for at least 30 minutes to one hour.

But some products might require a longer duration.

This will give the product time to penetrate and neutralize any remaining odor.

Finally, if the deodorizer is in powder or granule form vacuum or sweep the area, this will remove any remaining powder or granules.

It will also help pick up any remaining odor particles, ensure you test the deodorizer before using it.

Just as you did when using the disinfectant cleaner absorb remaining odors after the deodorizer has had time to work consider using an absorbent material like baking soda activated charcoal or other absorbing cat litter to help absorb any remaining odors leave the absorbent material in place for at least 24 hours, or until the smell is significantly reduced.

If the odor persists repeat the cleaning and deodorizing process until the odor is completely eliminated.

Thank you for watching my video, I.

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How To Get Rid Of Dead Animal Smell Under Your Deck [Detailed Guide] (2024)


How long will a dead animal smell under deck? ›

If you don't remove the bodies, the stench could last for six to 12 weeks. The smell might be slight for a few days, but it will get stronger with time as decomposition moves through its natural stages of decay. It will also be intensified due to location and temperature.

How do you neutralize the smell of a dead animal outdoors? ›

Outdoors: If the animal died outdoors, thoroughly flush the affected area with fresh water. Wash away any remaining fluids from the dead animal that seeped into the grass and soil. The bad smell should soon start to dissipate. If it persists, flush the location again with water.

What is the best odor eliminator for dead animals? ›

Our top recommendations are odor neutralizers like Rat Sorb Odor Eliminator or Nature's Air Odor Eliminator. If you have found and removed a dead animal carcass, you should thoroughly wash the area where you picked them up. Doing so improves hygiene conditions and allows you to remove most of the lingering smell.

Will dead animal smell eventually go away? ›

How Long Does a Dead Animal Smell Last? Dead animal smell lasts from a few days to a few months, or as long as it takes for the animal to decompose fully. The flesh-decomposing microbes that do the work of breaking down the carcass produce the awful smell. Once their job is done, the smell will subside.

How long does it take for the smell to go away if an animal dies under your house? ›

Unfortunately it may take three weeks or more to completely decompose. A professional may be contacted to break through and rebuild affected walls. This can be costly and not a viable option. Even after elimination of the source of dead rodent smell, the unsettling scent may linger for up to two weeks.

How do you get rid of the smell of death? ›

  1. Step One: Ventilate the area. It's important to ventilate the area to help remove the odor and keep a flow of fresh air. ...
  2. Step Two: Wash the environment thoroughly. ...
  3. Step Three: Absorb the odors.

What to do with dead rat under deck? ›

Crawl under the deck. Locate the dead animal. Scoop it into a plastic bag using gloved hands, a rake or shovel. Tie the bag closed.

What chemical gets rid of dead animal smell? ›

Baking soda can come in handy to neutralize unpleasant smells. To use, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area and let it sit for several hours before vacuuming. For best results, repeat as needed until the odor is completely gone.

What kind of vinegar gets rid of dead animal smell? ›

Try using white vinegar

It may like a strange remedy as vinegar has its own potent smell, however, it can help eliminate some of the odor. Not only that, vinegar is often used in disinfectants that are designed to eradicate germs and bacteria.

Will baking soda get rid of dead animal smell? ›

Baking Soda--mix baking soda with water to make a paste that can be applied to areas where dead animals are decomposing. Allow the paste to dry before removing the residue.

Will Clorox get rid of dead animal smell? ›

Bleach: You can also use a bleach solution to deodorize the foul odor from the animal's decomposing animal. To make this bleach solution, mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water and let the solution sit in the contaminated area for 10-15 minutes before wiping it down.

Will bleach help dead animal smell? ›

Over-the-counter household cleaners and home remedies that can provide relief from foul dead animal odors include: Bleach – a powerful chemical that kills many microorganisms, bleach is almost too powerful as it can stain surfaces and cause an overwhelming odor of its own.

Does charcoal get rid of dead animal smell? ›

Just as smoke damage lingers after a fire, the pungent aroma of dead animals can linger long after the animal itself has been removed. Activated charcoal packets, odor absorbing paint, and a thorough cleaning can rid your home or office of dead animal smells.

How long does it take for dead rat smell to go away? ›

A dead rat may smell really bad for a week, but there can be some lingering odor for as long as a month. The obvious solution is to find and remove the dead animal or animals, then ventilate the site. Accumulations of dead insects can also cause an odor problem.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.